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README file from "cmapdoctor" directory

            ~4Dgifts/toolbox/src/apps/cmapDoctor/cmapdoctor README


	a scanner/viewer of X colormaps and visuals including overlays, 
	underlays, and popups.  You can use this app to diagnose/debug/
	verify colormaps and their contents in applications that use 
	multiple colormaps and visuals.
	This application is based on the object oriented UI toolkit ViewKit.  
	The interface itself was designed with the ViewKit graphical 
	interface builder, Builder Xcessory, which explains the partitioning 
	of the source files and the subclassing structure.  
	Note:  for the application to look even remotely correct you must
	install the defaults file (Cmapdr) in either a system 
	(/usr/lib/X11/app-defaults), or local resources directory (your
	HOME directory), or run the script with Cmapdr being
	in the same directory.
	The application comes up displaying the defaultColormap used by
	the RootWindow.  Displayed below in the scrolledList window is
	the current list of colormaps, by default, only 1 entry.  At the
	bottom of the interface are two buttons, "list from root" and
	"list from picked".  These are the two basic mechanisms for 
	modifying the list of viewable colormaps.  Clicking on "list from
	root" traverses the entire X window hierarchy starting with the
	RootWindow.  This tree can consist of 1000's of windows so this
	operation can take some time (usually on the order of seconds).
	A watch cursor is displayed while this activity is going on.  The
	list of colormaps generated represent the list of unique colormaps 
	each of which must be currently associated with a window.  X provides 
	no way of determining all of the colormaps registered with the 
	server.  So instead, the windowAttributes is retrieved for each of 
	the windows.  This contains both the colormap and visual of the
	window.  Additionally, special visual types like underlay, overlay
	and popup visuals, are also registered by using XLayerInfo 
	routines (available on the Developer Toolbox in 
	src/exampleCode/X/Xserver).  As each new unique colormap is 
	recognized, it is added to the list and displayed in the colormap 
	viewing window.  
	Selecting "list from picked" changes the cursor to a crosshair-like
	cursor.  This allows you to pick any top level window (immediate 
	child of the RootWindow) by clicking on it and display all the 
	colormaps associated with that window and its children.  This does
	not include frames put on by the window manager.  This is basically 
	the same functionality as the xwininfo(1).

	View Window

	The basic layout of the application has a primary viewing window
	near the top of the interface.  In this window the currently selected 
	colormap is displayed.  It displays small colored squares each 
	representing the color value of each of the entries of the colormap
	(up to the first 256 entries).  The first colormap displayed is the
	defaultColormap which is the colormap used by the RootWindow.

	Forward/Backward Buttons

	Next downward in the interface are two blue 3D looking arrow buttons.
	These control forward and backward cycling through the list of
	currently listed colormaps if there is more than one.  

	RGB Readout

	The info window between the two buttons displays the red, green and 
	blue values of the currently selected color cell.  This starts out 
	as cell number 0.  Clicking on other cells in the colormap view 
	window updates these values to the current cell.

	Colormap List

	Next still is a scrolledList window which displays the current
	list of viewable colormaps.  Each line lists attributes about 
	the colormap and its associated visual.  Clicking on any of these
	entries in the list makes that colormap and visual the active one
	displayed in the viewing window.  You can use the arrow keys or 
	the blue buttons to cycle through the colormaps.

Files of interest from "utilities/cmapdoctor" directory


Select any combo of files you'd like to send yourself a compressed tar image of. Executables/scripts are indicated with a trailing `*' character. (Depending upon the browser, it may be necessary to hold down the Ctrl key to select/deselect disjoint items.) a compressed tar image of the above-selected items.
OR, ...
a compressed tar image of the entire cmapdoctor directory.

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